Curiculum vitae

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Academic professional experiences:

• Sep. 2019 to ... Assistant Professor in mathematics, Laboratoire de mathématiques de Besançon.
• Sep. 2018 to Aug. 2019 Postdoctoral fellows in mathematics, Institut Camille Jordan, Université de Lyon 1.
• January to June 2018 Postdoctoral fellows in mathematics
Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, University of Toronto (Canada)
Thematic Program on Emerging Challenges in Mathematical Biology
• Oct. 2016 to Dec. 2017 Postdoctoral fellows, Institut of Fluid Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse :
Mathematical modeling of bioreactors: from cell to reactor scale.
• Oct. 2013 to Oct. 2016 PhD in mathematics, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis,
Modeling and numerical simulation for fluid mechanics systems with constraints; application to biology and road traffic. (manuscript)
• Oct. 2013 to Oct. 2016 Teaching Assistant, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 64 hours per year
• 2013 (5 months) Internship in applied mathematics, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, co-advised by M. RIBOT and F. BERTHELIN
Modelling of multi-lane road traffic flow (report)
• Sep. 2010 to June 2011 Referent for international exchange students, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis,
Support in administrative processes and cultural visits of the city of Nice and surrounding areas.
• 2009 (6 month) Monitoring in mathematics, Guillaume Apollinaire High school of Nice

Academic training and diplomas:

• Sept. 2016 Doctorate in Mathematics: Modeling and numerical simulation for fluid mechanics systems with constraints; application to biology and road traffic. (manuscript)
Advisors : Magali RIBOT & Thierry GOUDON
Jury : Stéphane DESCOMBES, Thierry GOUDON, Céline GRANDMONT, Florence HUBERT, Thomas LEPOUTRE, Clair POIGNARD, Magali RIBOT
• 2012 to 2013 Master degree in applied Mathematics, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis,
Specialty : Partial differential equations, control and numerical analysis
• July 2012 Agregation of Mathematics, French highly competitive examination for High school teacher and university lecturer
• 2010 to 2012 Master degree in Mathematics, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis,
Training for the french national competition of "Agregation" of Mathematics, speciality: symbolic computation.
• 2009 to 2010 First year of Master degree in Mathematics, University of Montréal, Québec (Canada)
• 2008 to 2009 Degree in fundamental and applied Mathematics, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, (rank : 7/60).
• 2006 to 2008 Higher School Preparatory Classes in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Lycée Masseéna, Nice.

Other diplomas and professional experiences:

• 2010 - 2011 Federal sailing instructor, Municipal club of Cagnes-sur-mer,
Training of children from 7 to 10 year old on Optimist boat for competitions.
• 2006, 2007,
2009, 2011
Federal sailing instructor, Municipal club of Cagnes-sur-mer,
Beginners and advanced training during the summer school for children from 7 to 16 year old on optimistic boad and Hobbie-cat 14 or 16.
• July 2006 Federal degree of sailing instructor, Municipal club of Cagnes-sur-mer

Hobbies and interests:

Sailing (Hobbie-cat 16 & windsurfing), Mountain sports (Hiking, skiing and surfing), Social dances (Tango/Blues)

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